Ever have too much of a good thing? Well I've had my fill of car issues. Yesterday as I left for lunch I put my windows down. The passenger side went down, made a thunk (the kind that makes you go uh-oh), and would not go back up. My poor car has no luxurious garage parking, so getting the window situation resolved became an immediate priority. I went to the nearby auto body shop, dropped off the car, and had a co-worker give me a ride back to work.
Monday is my early off day, but the best time commitment the garage could give was that they would have it done before they closed at 5:30. So rather than hanging out late at work and making a coworker give me a ride back I decided to use my early afternoon to walk across Louisville. A front blowing through cooled off temps, and didn't even drop any rain on me. Unfortunately, it kept most of the birds hidden away, and I was left to enjoy a brisk walk with not much to distract me.
The most photogenic of the few species I did see was this juvenile Mallard, just coming into his green. He was tucked in behind the cattails, and aside from blurring his exposed feathers the wind didn't bother him a bit.
I'll just consider myself fortunate that my car issues have been relatively minor, and conveniently timed - or as convenient as they can be, hopefully I am through them now and future birding can be done on my time, not a mechanics!
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